Many of you may have seen last year's HBO Real Sports story about Lenny Dykstra. The story told of Dykstra's financial genius and how he had turned his investment in a car wash into a financial empire. This lengthy piece by Mike Fish follows up on the Real Sports story, but casts Dykstra in a far different light.
A couple of weeks back, I saw the The Washington City Paper had a cover story entitled "Screw U" about sex, or a supposed lack thereof, on campus at Catholic University. I thought to myself "that oughta be interesting". Well, I was disappointed. The article detailed how the student code prohibited most every sex act. But, guess what? The University is an offshoot of the Catholic Church. Would that surprise you? The piece goes on to say the anti-sex rules aren't really enforced. So, in the end, you have to wonder what was the point of piece. I would have found an article on the rules at Bob Jones University much more interesting.
WTEM radio, owned by Dan Snyder, did not renew the contracts of ex-Redskin Brian Mitchell and the hair spray kid, Al Koken. Maybe Mitchell's contract was not renewed because of his heated on air discussion with Clinton Portis last fall. ("CP's pockets is straight" was a classic line although I still have no idea what to hell it means.) Back in Feb., "J.D.", "Vern", "Vern's" son, "D", and I went to the Mason-Madison basketball game at JMU. Prior to the game, Al Koken, who was doing play by play of the game, was in the men's room primping and making sure each hair was glued in place. I made an offer to "D" of $10 if we would go over and mess up Koken's hair. "D", who is 10, was up for it, but "Vern" wasn't. I would have laughed my a** off if "D" would have pulled the stunt. It wouldn't have been hard for "D" considering Koken and "D" are about the same height. Anway, a Washington City Paper blub about Mitchell and Koken's departures is here.
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