Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Midweek Time Killers

Here are a couple of items that may help you pass the time here on hump day and one TV viewing item for hump night. (Geez, that came out the wrong way!)

As the regular readers know, I signed up on Facebook about the same time I started this blog. Since then, I've tried to include stories and links, both good, but mostly not-so-good, here about Facebook. The latest Facebook item comes from today's Washington Times, which reports some members of the Capitol Police are using Facebook to promote a group called the "Make-it-Rain Foundation for Underprivileged Hoes". If that piqued your curiousity, you can read the entire story here.

Some of you may have heard D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty is involved in a squabble with the city council over control of the city's tickets at Nationals Park. I think this is hilarious considering Fenty was an outspoken opponent of building the stadium when he was a member of the council. Of course, now he's out at the stadium mugging for the camera everytime he gets the chance. Here's a recent Washington City Paper column on the squabble.

Finally, seeing that I have bad habit of falling asleep with the TV on, usually tuned to the History Channel, I often wake up in the wee hours of the morning to an informercial called "Is Colon Detox Hype?". I'll spare you the details of the infomercial that have permeated my brain. But, let's just say the first few times I woke up to the infomerical, I thought I was having a nightmare. I don't know if "Is Colon Detox Hype?" will be a subject of the CNBC special "As Seen on TV", but I plan on setting my DVR tonight to record the special which is set to include pieces on infomerical "stars" Billy Mays and Vince Shlomi. Maybe the two of them will square off in an old fashioned wrestling cage match with Geraldo Rivera as guest referee.

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